Glwa Li Pral Eklate

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Couplet 1

Nan soufrans yo glwa li pral eklate

Nan moman nwa yo glwa li pral eklate

Nan eprèv yo glwa li pral eklate

Nan maladi-m yo glwa li pral eklate


Mwen pa gen pou-m kriye

Ni-m pa gen pou-m doute

Zye Bondye sou mwen

Zye Bondye sou mwen

Zye Bondye sou mwen

Zye Bondye sou mwen


Se lè-m pa gen fòs ankò

Glwa li pral manifeste

Se lè-m pakapab ankò

Glwa li pral manifeste

The artist’s Music on Other Platforms

Mizik Atis La Sou Lòt Platfòm

SWiv Avek Videyo A

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